John Metcalf

John Metcalf entered the U.S. Air Force Band in Washinton, DC at the age of 17 as a clarinet player; under the tutelage of Al Perotta he was introduced to the art of music copying. He served in the Air Force Band from 1960-‘64, then joined the U.S. Marine Band (“The President’s Own”) in DC, serving from 1964-‘68 as a music copyist and saxophone player.
He attended North Texas State from 1969 to 1970 when he moved to New York, working as a member of the American Society of Music Copyists and playing in numerous popular big bands. In the 1970s and ’80s he played with Larry Elgart, the Rich Shemaria Neo-Bop Orchestra, the Clark Terry and Thad Jones/Mel Lewis bands and others.
Through the years, John copied arrangements/books/compositions for Billy Byers, Jerry Dodgion, Gil Evans, Bob Freedman, Dick Hazard, Frank Hunter, Quincy Jones, Thad Jones, Bob Mintzer, Oliver Nelson, Sammy Nestico, Glen Osser, Johnny Pate, Nat Pierce, Hale Rood, Eddie Sauter, Jim Stinnett, Billy VerPlanck, Ernie Wilkins, Torrie Zito, and also for acts and numerous Broadway shows.
John’s influential teachers were Gene Aitken, Joe Allard, Danny Bank, Rule Beasley, Dave Berger, Arthur Christmann, Frank Foster, Barry Harris, Hall Overton, Leon Russianoff, Mike Schoap, Frank Stachow and others.
John organized and led his saxophone group, The Great American Sax Phantasy (GASP !), from 1983-1990, rehearsing every Wednesday at 5PM at his studio on Broadway & 48th Street where Broadway musicians were available for rehearsals between Matinee and Evening performances.
John is a graduate of the University of Oregon (BS in music), Long Island College Hospital School of Nursing (Associate degree in nursing), and Fordham University School of Social Service (MSW). For the past 30 years, he’s been working in healthcare, either in the Member Assistance Program of Local 1199SEIU National Benefit Fund or as a staff RN in various hospitals in New York City where he resides.”