Randy Crenshaw

Randy Crenshaw has been called “the Swiss Army knife of L.A. session singers”, because of his wide range of available vocal sounds and styles. Randy has a Bachelor of Music in trumpet performance from Willamette University’s College of Music, Salem, OR, and a Diploma in Commercial Arranging from Berklee College of Music, Boston, MA.
Randy’s musical background includes orchestral and big-band trumpet playing, playing a variety of Renaissance and pre-Baroque wind instruments at the Oregon Shakespearean Festival, singing country music, and vocal arranging for and singing with such groups as Boston-based oldies/doo-wop a cappella quintet “No Strings Attached”, the Berklee Vocal Jazz Choir, LA Jazz Choir, a cappella vocal jazz quintet “Terra Nova” (1987 Hennessey Jazz Search grand prize winners), a cappella world beat/R&B sextet “Wahoo Do-Re” (formerly “Vocal Nation”), contemporary Christian male vocal group “The Haven Quartet”, and a cappella male vocal jazz quartet “Just 4 Kicks”.
He lives and works in the greater Los Angeles area, and is a Grammy-nominated, in-demand freelance session vocalist and vocal arranger with hundreds of major film, television, commercial, and record credits to his name.